So here it is.
Part 1 of this Self Love Series. I can’t believe my vision is coming together… and here I am posting about it.
What is this “Self Love Series” that I speak of? Well…? It all started with me, myself and I.
I am finally learning to love myself all over again.
I have gone through a body transformation. (…and still at it!)
A transformation that has now taken me over a year. From the physical to the mental.
Learning how to love myself and my flaws.
It wasn’t until I ventured on this journey that I realized that I had a craft that had the ability to help others realize how amazing it
is to fall in love with yourself… and that we should every freaking day. Not when we are at our best, in our best or feel the best
from time to time… but always. So here the Self Love Project birthed. Photographing women and men in their rawest form.
Allowing them to connect with themselves without bias. Yes… that is a hard one to digest, even for myself… but the key is to never stop.
Never stop realizing how unbelievably funny, attractive, loving, sincere and just an overall kick-ass human you are.

To start of the series is my friend Laura.
What an awesome person she is. She’s funny, sarcastic, will put you in your place and tell it like it is. A feisty sharp shooter.
During our session that was taken in my one bedroom crib, I got to learn about her passions which include travelling, her super sweet
and sensitive side, and her awesome talent of listening to me ramble on about where I want this project to go. What an awesome time we
had photographing. The highlight for me was having Laura leave with a huge smile on her face and telling me how awesome of an experience
this was for her. THAT is my aim and goal every single time. I want this experience to be something like no other. To fall deep into that place
we sometimes shy away from because we are to scared or think it’s silly.

I can’t wait to share more about this session, and the journey this series has taken in the next few days.
So without further chattering… here it is!!!!

Part 1.

– Ann

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